Confessions of a Compulsive Organizer

  • Decorating Your Entry Door For The Holidays

    26 November 2014

    Decorating your front door for the upcoming holiday is a great way to show your Christmas spirit. Many people will decorate their front porches with Christmas lights, and having a decorated door is a great accompaniment. Here are a few ideas that you can use for decorating your own entry door this holiday. A Big Present Measure the front of your door and cut out a piece of foil colored wrapping paper in the same dimension.

  • Finding The Perfect Nursing Home For Your Loved One

    24 November 2014

    There are a lot of nursing homes you can pick from when it's time to get your loved one around the clock care, but there are important things you need to look for to make sure you make the best choice. You'll want to make sure that you meet with people that are already using the facility, that you check background information about the facility, and that you know what professionals are going to be working with your loved one.